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Cyber Security

In the Cyber Security specialization, you will explore the critical field of protecting digital information. This course covers techniques for identifying vulnerabilities, defending against cyber threats, and ensuring data integrity. You will study network security, ethical hacking, cryptography, and incident response, equipping you with the skills to safeguard digital assets and advance in the growing field of cyber security.

Computer and Network Security

Computer and network security is essential for protecting digital assets from unauthorized access and cyber threats. It includes implementing firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems, along with regular updates and employee training. Proactive measures help prevent data breaches, maintain privacy, and ensure the integrity of information systems.

Computer Intrusion Detection

Computer intrusion detection systems (IDS) monitor network and system activities for malicious behavior or policy violations. By analyzing traffic patterns and anomalies, IDS can identify potential threats and unauthorized access in real-time, enabling quick response and enhanced security against cyber attacks. Regular updates and fine-tuning improve detection accuracy and effectiveness.

Computer Crime and Digital Evidence

Computer crime involves illegal activities using computers and networks, such as hacking, fraud, and identity theft. Digital evidence is crucial for investigating these crimes, as it includes data from devices, logs, and communications. Proper collection, preservation, and analysis of digital evidence are essential for successful legal proceedings and ensuring justice.

Wireless Networks and Security

Wireless networks offer flexibility but come with security challenges. Securing these networks involves using strong encryption protocols, implementing secure access controls, and regularly updating firmware. Proper network configuration and monitoring for unusual activity help protect against unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats, ensuring reliable and secure wireless communication.

Future Proof you Career with Cyber security

Future-proof your career with Cyber Security skills. Enroll in our Bachelor of Computer Science course in Nepal to become a top candidate in the growing job market.

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