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Theme Lunch Week

Get ready for a week-long culinary adventure! Theme Lunch Week will take place from July 29th to August 2nd, 2024. Different student groups will be showcasing diverse cultures through delicious food. Kick off the week with a Christmas-themed lunch by 3rd Semester students on July 29th, followed by a Spanish feast on July 30th. 2nd Semester students will take over on August 1st with a Tihar-themed lunch, and the week will conclude with a Newari culinary experience on August 2nd.

Student's Experience

Ephrat Luzang Lepcha

( BBA 2023 Batch)

Lajana Manandhar

( BBA 2021 Batch)

Keshav Chapain

( BHM 2020 Batch)

Niruta Kumal

(BBA 2019 Batch)

Salina Pandey

(BHM 2018 Batch)

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